The purpose of this article is to identify current trends in housing construction in Ukraine, analysis of its condition and identify factors influencing the dynamics of its development. The methodological and informational basis of the work is scientific works, materials of periodicals and official sites. The research used methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, grouping and generalization. The article is devoted to the study of problems in the residential real estate market, which is a socially significant element of the economic sector and to identify current trends in housing construction in Ukraine. The relevance of the study is due to the constant change of factors influencing the construction of real estate, monitoring of which is necessary for effective planning of construction companies. Due to such factors, an idea of promising areas of housing development, quality of housing, its main functional purpose and level of comfort is formed. The article states that the solution of problems in housing construction depends on the implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of construction companies and the solvency of the population. To determine areas for improving the efficiency of construction companies, analyzed the total area of residential buildings put into operation, compared the results with the planned indicators, including the types of buildings. The discrepancy between the planned indicators of housing construction volumes and the actual results was revealed. The dynamics of change of indicators is analyzed. The obtained results prove the need for more careful observance of the design terms of construction with the subsequent revision and change of shares of types of buildings at planning. It is also noted that the financing of housing construction also has certain problems, as does the purchase of housing due to the low financial well-being of a significant part of the population. As a result, the construction of private homes is in growing demand due to the fact that the buyer has a greater choice of their own desires and solutions, which can meet a very large price range. Conclusions are made on the need to reorient the activities of small construction companies to the construction of private homes, which will provide them with a stable and reliable income for these reasons.
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