The article is devoted to the analysis of the tourism industry development during the global pandemic COVID-19, which dramatically affected on all players of tourism market. It is obvious that the tourism industry has experienced a significant negative impact. However, like any process or phenomenon, a pandemic can bring not only negative consequences, but also stimulate positive changes in various areas, that will finally transfer the tourism sector to a new level of development. In particular, the article deals with issues of safety and hygiene, support for sustainable development (reducing the share of business tourism, intensification of domestic individual tourism, emphasis on local and healthy food), also the use of the modern information technologies in the tourism sector (contactless payments, service automation, chat bots, voice control, voice search, voice booking, recognition technologies, virtual and augmented reality). A portrait of the future travelers has been formed - these are independent travelers who are well versed in digital technologies, have an interest in cultural values and already have experience in researching tourism destinations. The tourism industry, despite significant losses during the pandemic, has the potential for development, after crises and falls with a properly planned strategy of action always begins to rise. Of course, the recovery will be gradual, the first time, obviously, will be popular domestic and ecological tourism. It is extremely important to restore the tourism sector, while ensuring security, justice and the absence of negative effects on the climate. The purpose of the article is to review the situation in which the tourism sector found itself during the global pandemic and to identify the main positive post-pandemic trends in the tourism sector that will unprecedentedly change the industry as a whole. The methodological and informational basis of the work is scientific works, materials of periodicals, official sites and analytical reviews of the IMF, UNWTO. Methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, grouping and generalization were used.
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