Keywords: digital platform, digitalization, digital economy, digital transformation, world economy


The aim of the article is to determine the features of development and the impact of digital platforms on the world economy. The urgency of the topic is due to the need to study changes in traditional forms of society under the influence of digital platforms - hybrid structures focused on creating value by ensuring direct interaction and transactions between several groups of third-party users. Methods of research were the analysis of literary sources, statistical data processing, systematization, graphical and generalization. The results of the study can be considered to characterize the features of digital platforms, determine the benefits and risks for the global economy from the use of digital platforms. The article considers the peculiarities of the development of digital platforms and the impact on the world economy. The paper provides an analysis of approaches to the definition of the term "digital platform" and determines that digital platforms are based on algorithm mechanisms, mutual benefits of the parties, the availability of a single information environment and the effect of reducing transaction costs. Digital platforms can be classified by a number of features, such as purpose (transactional, innovative, integrated, investment) and the level of centralization (decentralized, centralized, hybrid). The paper reveals changes in the composition of leading companies in terms of capitalization - among the top 10 in 2020, eight platform types. The article also provides an analysis of the popularity of digital platforms depending on the number of visits per month. An analysis of the location of the 100 largest digital platforms revealed a digital divide - about 95 percent of the leading platforms are in North America and the Asia-Pacific region. Thus, in addition to the benefits of reduced costs and increased sharing, digital platforms pose certain risks to the global economy. However, provided - overcoming the "digital divide", the development of relevant regulatory framework, the effective work of antitrust committees, digital platforms can contribute to the development of the world economy.


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How to Cite
Dubel, M. (2021). FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL PLATFORMS AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE WORLD ECONOMY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (7), 17-26. https://doi.org/10.32851/2708-0366/2021.7.2