• Olha Shulha State University of Intelligent Technologies and Telecommunications
Keywords: agrarian sector, agrarian relations, agrarian policy, conceptual model, land market


The purpose of the study is to determine the level of readiness from the institutional and macroeconomic point of view for the introduction of the agricultural land market in Ukraine and to determine the most appropriate option for its introduction. The urgency of the topic is due to the fact that it is impossible to build effective agricultural relations and form an effective system of motivation for labor and production without resolving the contradictions in the system of land ownership. In the course of the research such general and special methods as: analysis and synthesis, deduction, generalization, system approach, etc. The article proposes an algorithm for developing agricultural policy and identifies its components. The author argues that the basic components of such a policy are the appropriate institutional mechanisms of direct state influence, which in harmonized interaction with market mechanisms of self-regulation create favorable conditions for effective development of the agricultural sector, combining private and public interests. A conceptual model of agrarian policy has been developed and its key principle has been identified, which can be formulated as follows: since land is the property of the people, ownership rights to it should be limited for the benefit of society (tendency to socialize the economy). The position is substantiated that the introduction of a civilized market for agricultural land (one that provides for strict state control over the circulation of land in this category and effective regulatory public policy) is a potential opportunity not only to resolve conflicts of private land ownership, but also to correct mistakes. the process of market transformation of the agricultural sector. According to the author, today in Ukraine there are no institutional and macroeconomic prerequisites for the introduction of a free market of agricultural land, so its introduction should be subject to the formation of new and modernization of existing institutions that will increase the efficiency of existing forms of management. The expediency of introducing the market of agricultural lands in Ukraine in two stages is substantiated. According to the author, the transformation of land relations in Ukraine at the first stage should be reduced to the spread of lease and cooperation. In the second stage, subject to the formation of appropriate institutional and macroeconomic conditions, it will be possible to launch the market of agricultural land. The practical value of the obtained results is that they can be used to amend legislation on reforming land relations and the agricultural sector of the economy.


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How to Cite
Shulha, O. (2021). EARTH MARKET: REALITIES AND PROSPECTS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (7), 7-16.