• Lesya Yastrubetska Lviv National University named Ivan Franko
Keywords: financial security of business entities, raiding, protection of property rights, international index of protection of property rights, index of protection of physical property rights, index of protection of intellectual property rights, methods of counteracting raiding


Enterprises in Ukraine operate in difficult conditions, characterized by economic crisis and political instability. In addition, the situation is a significantly deepened pandemic of Covid-19 and hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation. The combination of these factors contributed to the rapid development of destructive processes in the country associated with the violation of property rights. In this context, the article emphasizes the urgent need to revise the management mechanisms of business entities, among which the priority is the formation of their financial security. The author substantiates the need to develop effective methods to combat illegal business seizures. In this context, the article illustrates the negative trends in the field of property rights protection in Ukraine based on the assessment of the dynamics of international indices of property rights protection. The index of protection of physical property rights and the index of protection of intellectual property rights during the last decade are analyzed. A study of the state and dynamics of the spread of illegal seizures of enterprises in Ukraine in recent years has also been conducted. The article analyzes the dynamics of criminal proceedings for the most common crimes, according to which raiders are prosecuted, in particular the dynamics of the growth of criminal cases on the facts of forgery, counteraction to economic activity, illegal seizure of property. The author analyzes raider seizures in the regional context, in particular, assesses the dynamics of the spread of illegal seizures of enterprises in Kyiv, Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Kherson and Kharkiv regions. Based on the study, the author recommended methods to combat raiding in Ukraine, including preventive and emergency response. Among the preventive methods it is proposed to use financial and economic, legal and organizational and technical measures. In order to respond to the raider attack, the author recommended the creation of a crisis group to combat raiding, filing a complaint about the illegal seizure of the company to authorized state institutions, developing a strategy for judicial protection of the enterprise, organization of physical protection of property and PR support for illegal seizure of business. The article emphasizes that only the use of a set of preventive and, if necessary, emergency methods to counter raider attacks will help prevent the illegal seizure of business entities. At the same time, it is also important to develop and implement effective mechanisms to combat raiding at the state level.


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How to Cite
Yastrubetska, L. (2021). RAIDING AS A CONFLICTING FORM OF PROPERTY REDISTRIBUTION IN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (6), 105-112.