The article considers the formalization of attendance ratio for events and underlines its characteristics. Conceptual, theoretical-methodological and methodological-applied principles of events are considered by scientists partially, which emphasizes the need to solve a wide range of problems in this context. From the standpoint of events in theory and practice its main parameters, stages and indicators are characterized. At the same time, a number of important tasks on this topic still remain unsolved. First of all, the formalization of event management indicators is considered partially, which complicates further research in the field of event management in enterprises. The purpose of the article is to formalize the attendance ratio in correlation with the duration of the event and to establish the importance of this quantitative outcome study for the financial success of the event project. Challenges of modernity adjust the new requirements for the service of various events. One of the criteria for a successful event is to determine attendance. The number of guests of one event is not an unknown quantity, nor is it a consequence of coincidence. Total quality event-management is characterized by the fact that the attendance can be predicted as accurately as possible, because the number of visitors is planned in terms of the effective event. In addition, the number of visitors can be optimized by managing it before the event and during it; deviations in the number of guests require a minor variation. The measurement of attendance ratio can be based on experience, the influence of internal and external factors, own actions and final records. However, a clear formalization of attendance ratio can improve the result. The definition of the following indications has been formalized: average length of stay, average number of visitors, relative length of stay, visitor multiplier, interchangeability ratio, peak space capacity, average space capacity, space capacity rate. This will allow event management entities and business leaders to adjust the necessary resources, procedures, indications and criteria for the effective implementation of event activities.
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