Agricultural production depends on natural and meteorological conditions. use of dimensional expensive equipment and the number of employees, and requires optimization of logistics, warehousing and monitoring of plants and animals. The innovation strategy of agricultural enterprises is aimed at finding and implementing innovative projects that will ensure stable and profitable development of the business entity in the long run. The choice of the strangest innovation strategy depends on the combination of internal and external conditions. The current state of the innovation of agricultural enterprises has been analyzed. There are several efficient logistic IT solutions, which provide optimal routes for picking and delivering finished products to customers. A new stage of agricultural development has begun in Ukraine, which is characterized by an increase in the use of innovative technologies. Peculiarities of formation and use of certain innovative implementations in modern conditions are analyzed. It has been established that innovative platforms operating in the field of big data such as: BAYER BUSINESS PLUS, AGRIANALYTICA, SAATBAU PROFIT MANAGER, etc. are effective for agricultural producers. We are promising for more effective monitoring of resources in the agricultural enterprises, Mobile ST, Mobile ST, Mobile ST, Mobile ST, etc. Programs GEO-Agro, GIS Panorama Farming, Farm Works Site (Pro), SST Summit, SMS Desktop Software (Advanced and Basic), JD Reports MAP, AgrarOfis, Agro-Net NG, FarmView Record Keeper people, kindly, to get rid of the plants, to secure the function of effective management of land, manufacturer, labor and financial resources of agricultural industrial enterprises. The importance of prospects for the development of an innovative strategy for agricultural enterprises and an effective mechanism for using innovative technological solutions to obtain economic and social effects are highlighted. It is established that in order to build a strategy for the development of innovative activities of agricultural enterprises should be improved legal and methodological framework, providing public and private investment funds.
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