The article identifies problems and prospects for the development of production and processing of agricultural products at the regional level on the example of Kherson region. It is determined that the main directions of development of the agricultural sector of the region are to increase production and deepen processing, create added value of agricultural products, export orientation and sale of agricultural products directly by producers to non- resident companies without the participation of traders registered in Ukraine; diversification of production, both in crop and livestock production and popularization and development of organic production and small-scale farming. The level of wages of residents of Kherson region, the structure of agricultural land use in Kherson region, the main economic indicators of production and processing of agricultural products, material and technical condition of enterprises of Kherson region and its modernization are analyzed. It is determined that the reasons for the underdevelopment of the processing industry are: outdated existing equipment; lack of qualified personnel for processing enterprises; imperfect and outdated production technologies; product quality does not meet the needs of consumers; low level of competitor at her food. The main problems that hinder the development of agriculture in Ukraine are formulated. The experience of European countries in overcoming the crisis in agriculture has been studied. The state priorities of financial support of the country's agricultural development are determined. It is determined that to solve problems in agriculture and industry of the region, for the Kherson region it may be appropriate to create a utility company. The basic principles of design and implementation of the project to create a utility company, which will become a center for producers and processors of agricultural products to create products with high added value. The project will provide an opportunity to provide: increase jobs in the field of agricultural processing; high quality products that meet international standards; sustainability of the agrarian business environment; rural development; increasing the level of entrepreneurial activity.
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