The article considers the preconditions, current state, trends in the development and competitiveness of the horticultural industry in Ukraine and the impact on these processes of state financial support. It is noted that in the process of market reforms the volume of horticultural production decreased by more than 5 times, the industry was in decline, consumer demand for fruits and berries of domestic origin was not met. It is established that the building potential of the horticultural industry is due to the growing demand for berries and fruits in the domestic market, investment attractiveness of the industry due to rising prices for horticultural products in Ukraine and the world, the implementation of state financial support programs. It is established that the production of fruits and berries in Ukraine is growing mainly due to the establishment of new gardens, the creation of proper modern infrastructure of the industry, which is carried out mainly through state financial support through mechanisms to compensate for the restoration of gardens and infrastructure for care, processing, sale products. It is established that due to the state support of the industry it was possible to stabilize its condition and increase the potential for further development, however, the volume of fruit and berry production in 1990 has not yet been reached. The geography, functional purpose and practice of providing state financial support to horticultural enterprises are considered. It is established that despite the wide range of areas of state support for horticultural enterprises, financial support can be expected mainly by large enterprises, institutional problems arise for small farmers and private farms. Some ways to improve the mechanisms of state support for horticulture and related industries and services have been identified. State support should be aimed at overcoming "weaknesses" in the industry, with priority given to those producers who are generators of innovative development and growth of the industry. The activity of local self-government bodies aimed at supporting the cooperation of small producers who grow, collect, process and sell fruit and berry products should also be considered a way of state support.
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