The article proposes models of development of territorial communities, based on modern approaches, the main methodological approaches used in the analysis of human potential of the territorial community. Approaches to social development of communities are considered and analyzed. The main interrelations of widely used models, approaches in the process of forming a model of development of united territorial communities are reflected. The main essence of the research is revealed: the current capacity of communities, its internal potential (financial, human, and economic), features of formation and application at the community level. The basic block of indicators is considered and formed, for the analysis of human potential of territorial communities on such demographic, social, economic, labor, administrative, cultural components. The main problems of the choice of approaches and their application in the activities of united territorial communities, the influence of social trends on the choice of management method are studied. The application of the latest methodologies in the activities of local government, their positive and negative consequences are considered. The main aspects in the application of integration, information, environmental and innovative approaches are highlighted. The role of data collection efficiency for further analysis of community activities is determined. The practice of application of all considered principles, on an example of concrete communities is analyzed. Attracting investors, and the role of this process in the development of a united territorial community. Dependence of balanced community development on the integrated application of the analyzed approaches. The principle of application of the synergetic approach in modern conditions. The state of development of the territory at the bifurcation point is possible. Directions for implementing an innovative approach in newly created communities. Assessment of the human potential of the territorial community, using demographic, intellectual, socio-managerial, socio-economic, socio-infrastructural indicators. The role of liberal and progressive approaches in ensuring the economic development of the community.
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