In the current documents for the regulation of socio-economic policy in Ukraine, increased attention is paid to the issue of creating products with high added value, in particular the support of the creative industries sector. The economic nature of added value is a fundamental problem that determines the nature of socio-economic relations in society and is reflected in the property relations. It requires attention to the study of the mechanisms of added value in the creative sector. It allows to propose and justify a holistic and systematic public policy to support the sector. Analyzing the added value of creative products, firstly should pay attention to the elements of "wages", "amortization of intangible assets" and "rate of return". The article presents a generalized mechanism of the added value formation of cultural and creative products, as well as the functional structure of the cultural industry in proces of creating added value. The modern economic system is focused on the production of not material goods, but ideal values. It is not reproductive but creative work that does not lend itself to standardization that prevails. This form of labor retains its physical properties, but provides a new symbolic meaning, which forms the added value. At each stage of creation of the final creative product there is an increment of separate elements of added value. At the stage of "Production of a cultural product", the cultural value and the object of copyright are created directly. At the next stage, the value of used intangible assets (the value of brands used as an intermediate product) is added, which allows to justify the economic value of the created product. At the stage of technological reproduction there is a mass reproduction of cultural or creative product. At the stage of product distribution and dissemination of information about it, active work with the target audience is carried out primarily through the creation of ideal values and the formation of a new symbolic meaning. At each step, the collaboration of brands is realized and creative work is carried out. The category of value added in the context of the creative economy acquires additional significance because it provides the economic value of the value of the cultural product.
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