Keywords: accounting, calculations, suppliers, contractors, accounts payable, primary documents, registers, accounts, agricultural enterprises, organization, management, improvement


The article considers the place of settlements with suppliers and contractors in the activities of enterprises, including agricultural, in particular, in the presence of accounts payable and its management. Factors that cause its involuntary concealment due to imperfections in accounting and analysis, violation of payment discipline, deterioration of business reputation and losses have been identified. It is established that one of the most common types of current liabilities is settlements with suppliers and contractors of the company or accounts payable for goods, works and services. It is substantiated that the accounting indicators of debt according to calculations affect liquidity and solvency, characterize the financial condition of each individual enterprise and the state in general, affect the level of their investment attractiveness, creditworthiness and overall profitability. It is determined that when making payments on accounts at agricultural enterprises there are problems with control over accounts payable on accounts, because the payment can be full or partial. It is indicated that in order to eliminate the facts of overdue accounts payable, effective control over the timely repayment of debts of agricultural enterprises to suppliers and contractors, it is proposed to improve analytical accounting of settlements with them by introducing an analytical document into the accounting system. The most typical examples of such situations and their consequences are given. It was found that with the acceleration of all economic processes on the one hand, and inflation on the other, liberal monetary policy, the importance and role of timely settlements with suppliers and contractors, accounts payable increase, as well as their proper and timely accounting for management. It is determined that with the acceleration of all economic processes on the one hand, and the presence of inflation on the other, liberal monetary policy, the importance and role of timely settlements with suppliers and contractors, accounts payable increase, as well as their proper and timely accounting for management. Thus, the presented proposals, future developments carried out in this direction, will help to improve the organization of accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors and accounts payable. This will help strengthen the financial condition and financial reporting of enterprises.


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