The article investigates theoretical approaches to understanding the essence of financial and economic security and considers the main methods of assessing its level. Theoretical foundations of financial and economic security of enterprises are deepened. It is proposed to understand such a dynamic state of the enterprise, which is characterized by the ability to withstand possible external and internal threats to its economic and financial activities through a set of organizational and managerial measures environment. Which made it possible to emphasize that financial and economic security can not be a one-time or equilibrium phenomenon, because the development of the enterprise is a dynamic process, and achieving equilibrium involves achieving the ideal, which in real life is not possible. In order to reflect the degree of financial and economic security, a set of coefficients is proposed, which are calculated on the basis of financial statements. It is proved that the existing methods of assessing the level of financial and economic security of enterprises do not take into account external threats, which are one of the main factors in violating the security of enterprises. Developed and substantiated its own methodology for assessing the level of financial and economic security of enterprises based on the analysis of financial statements of agricultural, industrial and wholesale enterprises by studying the dynamics of sales, profitability, profitability and overall liquidity, taking into account the dynamics of exchange rates and inflation. external threats. The model of calculation of the integrated indicator of financial and economic security and its forecasting is offered. It is substantiated that the level of financial and economic security of industrial enterprises was the lowest during the economic crisis of 2014-2017, and agricultural enterprises - the highest. To determine the level of financial and economic security as a dynamic state, an integrated indicator of financial and economic security of enterprises was built on the basis of mathematical modeling. The proposed methodology can be used by the management of any enterprise, provided the use of a complete set of data in its financial statements.
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