• Inna Viadrova Karzinsky Banking Institute of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
  • Valeriia Yermolaieva Karzinsky Banking Institute of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: Internet banking, remote banking, electronic banking, banking services


The article examines the problems of providing services to customers that the bank performs in the mode of remote access. The advantages, possible directions of optimization and improvement of remote banking at the present stage. Today the range of banking services and services is constantly expanding. This is because banks are constantly trying to improve the quality of customer service. An important component of the strategy for the development of financial institutions in Ukraine is the development and implementation of high-quality high-tech remote services in order to dynamically develop the market for banking products and build high-quality economic relations that arise between banking institutions and their clients in the process of implementing remote banking. Today, the banking industry should develop synchronously with the development of information and digital technologies, Internet services and society as a whole, which determines the relevance of the topic and the expediency of conducting research to develop this issue. The main trends in the development of RBS in Ukraine in the coming years are a constant increase in the number of Internet banking users, an increase in the intensity of the use of such services and the demand for additional integrated functions, such as Internet trading, the ability to maintain multiple accounts in one electronic banking system, even accounts of various banks Promising directions for the development of Internet banking is the reduction of risks that are possible with remote customer service channels and the introduction of new technologies that are widely used in the leading countries of the world, namely: trading on stock exchanges; all possible transactions with accounts; buying or selling currency; deposit insurance; obtaining loans. Investments in the development of digital banking services of electronic banking are more effective than the opening of new branches and branches of the bank, because due to innovative services they attract the largest number of customers today, which will bring profit in the future. Ukraine has a huge potential for the development of remote banking services.


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How to Cite
Viadrova, I., & Yermolaieva, V. (2021). MAIN DIRECTIONS OF OPTIMIZATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF REMOTE BANKING SERVICE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (5), 97-103.