Keywords: distributed lands, recultivation, land rehabilitation, distributed land classification, recultivation directions


The article provides an overview of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the classification of disturbed lands as a result of intensive mining. The state policy within the sphere of environmental safety at the enterprises of extractive industry does not meet the time-based requirements. Minimization of negative phenomena as well as improvement of the environmental situation is possible through: compulsory reclamation and environmental rehabilitation of territories disturbed as a result of extractive industry activities; ensuring the fullest possible use of mined minerals, minimizing waste during their extraction and processing as well; bringing legislative and economic mechanisms into compliance with international and European environmental law requirements, strengthening the control functions of the authorities. Legislation regulating social relations in the sphere of reclamation of disturbed lands requires further changes. Since failure to reclaim disturbed lands is an offense that causes losses to legal owners and users of land plots, the territorial community and the state. Violator of the land legislation, does not perform a set of organizational, technical and biotechnological measures aimed at restoring the soil cover, improving the condition and productivity of disturbed lands in accordance with the approved documentation on land management, illegally receives income from the use for other purposes of funds, according to the estimates in the approved working project of land management, should be directed to the reclamation of disturbed lands. In this regard, the successful solution of the above-mentioned issues will be the development of regulatory and methodological framework for determining the rules of formation and use of reclaimed land, the state monitoring of disturbed lands as well. Recultivation measures are mandatory, according to the norms of current legislation of Ukraine, in case of violation of landscape integrity in the process of human economic activity. Thus, recultivation considers to be an integral protection source and rational use of natural resources.


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How to Cite
Kachanovskyi, O. (2021). CLASSIFICATION OF DISTRIBUTED LANDS FOR REHABILITATION. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (5), 90-96.