Keywords: energy supply chain, energy logistics, energy system, electricity market, natural gas market, structure of supply chain


The purpose of article is to determine the essence of energy supply chain and to analyze their structure taking into account the peculiarities of energy market development in Ukraine. Enterprise energy systems cannot be considered separately from each other. The participants of the energy market change the parameters of energy flows, transforming the flows of energy resources into the flows of energy services, and form the complex system of interrelations. Thus, they form the energy systems of high level and create so called energy chain. Based on this, it is necessary to determine the features of energy supply chain. To achieve this purpose, the following general scientific methods are used: systematization, generalization, abstraction, analogy, analysis and synthesis. The peculiarities of the formation of the supply chains in energy systems of meso- and macro levels are identified in the article. The author’s own definition of energy supply chain is proposed, which is formulated on the base of the generalization of the existing approaches to supply chain definition. Reference is made to the possibility of the formation simple supply chains in energy sector of economy, among which the intermediaries are not included as participants. The author builds the models of the structure of supply chains of electricity and natural gas in Ukraine, taking into account current legislation, which regulates the markets of natural gas and electricity, as well as the models of structure of heat supply chains at the systems of autonomous, decentralized, moderately decentralized and centralized heating in Ukraine. The participants of energy supply chains are also characterized in the article. It is indicated that all energy supply chains form the fuel energy complex. The using of logistics approach in energy systems changes the interrelation of the participants of flow processes. Obtained results could be used for the development of energy policy on the different levels of energy systems. Based on this it is necessary to estimate the efficiency of every participant, as well as the whole supply chain, in order to optimize it.


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How to Cite
Pudycheva, H. (2021). STRUCTURE OF ENERGY SUPPLY CHAINS IN UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (5), 72-82.