Keywords: economic security of regions, national economy, macroeconomic indicators, internal and external threats, monitoring


The article considers the issue of the existence of the system of economic security of the regions in the context of the conducted policy of state regulation. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the components of economic security of regions within the national economy and to identify instruments of state regulation designed to ensure a high level of such security in external and internal challenges. The structure of threats to the economic security of the regions in the national economy was identified. The thesis was substantiated that the fundamental values for economic security of the region are the limit values of indicators, exceeding or not reaching which leads to the beginning of destructive processes in it, constant and comprehensive monitoring using indicators of economic security in the following areas: macroeconomic indicators, demography, level and quality of life, dynamics of employment and production, state of financial-budgetary and monetary-credit systems, development of market infrastructure, social activity of the population, efficiency of the system of state power, mechanisms of legal and administrative regulation. It is substantiated that the leading problem on the solution of which depends the development of effective measures of economic security policy to prevent and compensate threats is to determine the system of general threshold levels of economic security in response to certain risk factors that can be characterized by a system of criteria for general economic, socioeconomic and financial and economic plan, reflecting the maximum allowable levels of decline: economic activity, production, investment, without which it is impossible to independent economic development of the region; level and quality of life of the majority of the population. When finalizing the system of indicators for a particular region, it is advisable to take into account a number of points: it is advisable to divide all indicators into two groups: indicators (criteria) focused on assessing economic security, and analytical and information indicators that complement the overall picture.


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How to Cite
Nesterenko, S. (2021). THE IMPORTANCE OF ECONOMIC SECURITY OF REGIONS IN THE SYSTEM OF REGULATION OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY . Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (5), 38-46.