The current stage is characterized for Ukraine by unstable processes in international trade, complication and strengthening of the dynamics of trade processes, strengthening the requirements of international organizations to ensure free access of foreign goods to domestic markets and lowering national trade barriers. Therefore, the study of the priorities of foreign economic activity and in particular the import of goods and services, taking into account modern integration requirements is relevant at the present stage. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of Ukraine's foreign economic activity in the context of the development of international economic relations and to determine the main results of import operations in Ukraine. To achieve this goal, the article used general and special methods: induction, deduction, theoretical generalization, dialectical, statistical analysis, comparison, graphical. The performed analysis makes it possible to identify the main trends occurring in world markets, to determine the degree of integration of the state into the world economy, the effectiveness of export and import policy of the state. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the main indicators that characterize the dynamics of foreign economic activity in the context of imports, namely: the volume of exports / imports of goods and services in Ukraine; the number of participants in foreign economic activity engaged in the import of goods; volumes of exports and imports of main types of products; Ukraine's main trading partners in importing goods. The analysis allows us to state that during the study period there are dominant volumes of imports, the value of export and import operations over the past few years is growing, but not sufficient. According to the results of the study, the problems and factors influencing the current trends of foreign economic activity in the context of imports over the past few years are revealed and new challenges are formed to ensure Ukraine's competitiveness in the international trade market. Further detail will form the main directions and prospects for future research.
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