The purpose of the work is to review and systematize the tools to help the global market of tourist services out of crisis in which it found itself due to the coronavirus epidemic. The methodological and informational basis of the work is scientific works, materials of periodicals, official sites and analytical reviews of the IMF, UNWTO. The research used methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, grouping and generalization. The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the recovery of the market of tourist services in a coronavirus pandemic, which has dramatically affected one of the most dynamic and highly profitable sectors of the world economy. Research on improving the anti-crisis strategy of tourism development in the context of instrumental support for stimulating tourism in a global pandemic is becoming relevant. Many countries around the world are currently taking steps to minimize the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and to encourage the recovery of the tourism sector. They are aimed at maintaining a balance between the protection of tourists and the interests of tourism workers, providing conditions for business survival in the entire supply chain of tourism services, coordination of targeted response to modern challenges of the tourism market. Today, the two most common approaches to overcoming the crisis are used in the world. The first approach is aimed at providing affordable credit lines for the tourism business, and the second involves deferring their payment of debts and tax liabilities. When considering the instrumental support of the tourism industry for the near future, it was determined that the vast majority of the proposed measures are aiming at the development of domestic and regional tourism. The analysis of the levers of incentives for tourism activities that are using today was carried out. They are classified into three categories of instruments. These are tools for administrative response to the financial condition of providers and consumers of tourism services; corporate responsibility tools to preserve the tourism business; instruments of individual interest of tourists in tourism products, the consumer value of which is a combination of material benefits, personal impressions and safety of consumption.
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