• Halyna Kavun Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, Ukraine
  • Olena Loboda Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University, Ukraine
Keywords: model, control system, optimization models, economic efficiency, optimal plan


Various methods and algorithms for solving problems of introducing economic and mathematical modeling into the process of calculating optimal plans for the development of agriculture in order to increase the efficiency of agricultural enterprises have been investigated. General approaches to drawing up optimal plans for the development of agriculture in regions, districts, agricultural enterprises are characterized and main criteria for their optimality in modern economic conditions are given. The necessity of improving the methods of functioning of agricultural enterprises and methods of optimizing the development of agriculture by agricultural enterprises is shown, the end result of which will be the comparison of the resource capabilities of the production enterprise by the management of this enterprise, namely material and financial capabilities, with the needs of the enterprise, evaluate them from the point of view of business development and carry out the development recommendations for making decisions on the optimal development of agriculture. The retrospective of the development of modeling in agriculture in the context of the development of market relations is investigated. General approaches to optimizing the development of agriculture of high-value agricultural enterprises are characterized and criteria of optimality in modern economic conditions are given. t has been established that it is necessary to use modern mathematical methods for planning and forecasting processes in the agricultural sector, namely, the optimal development of agriculture in regions and districts, as well as growing requirements for product quality and an increase in gross income, require deepening research and the introduction of appropriate economic and mathematical models. A comprehensive combination of methods for optimizing the production program of production was carried out on the basis of an assessment of modern economic requirements, with the determination of optimal technological solutions for growing crops. Comparisons of various models for optimizing the development of agriculture are used.


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How to Cite
Kavun, H., & Loboda, O. (2020). ECONOMIC AND MATHEMATICAL MODELS FOR CALCULATION OF THE OPTIMAL PLAN FOR AGRICULTURE DEVELOPMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (4), 188-194.