• Svitlna Bolila State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University»
  • Natalia Kyrychenko State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University»
  • Iryna Osadchuk State Higher Educational Institution «Kherson State Agrarian University»
Keywords: innovative activity, agrarian sector, innovative management, innovative approaches, priority innovation areas


The article investigates theoretical and methodological issues a development of innovative component for strengthening competitive positions an agro-formations in the conditions a globalization. Low innovation potential of a large number an agricultural enterprises is the main reason for their backwardness, in comparison with foreign producers, in the face of global challenges, which emphasizes the need to pay attention to the management of the enterprise to enhance the innovation processes in the agricultural sector. Given the relevance of these issues for domestic agro-formations, the aim was to explore innovative management approaches and to consider ways to implement them in the activities of agricultural producers. The object of the analysis was managing process the innovation activity of domestic agro-formations. The subject of the research was theoretical and methodological approaches to organization the innovative activity of agricultural enterprises for increase of their efficiency. To achieve this goal, a wide range of methods were used, including: abstract-logical, monographic, comparison, expert, observation, generalization, and more. The main approaches to the implementation of innovative activities based on scientific management approaches that can be used in the work of agro-formations, and their content are presented. It is stated that improvement of innovative activity in the agrarian sector can be implemented through a number of measures at the state and sectoral levels, in the field of scientific activity, as well as at the level of enterprises. It is noted that the main factor in the effectiveness of innovation is the high competence and business qualities of managers and specialists who are able to determine the future innovation strategy of agricultural enterprises. It is emphasized that the modern concept of innovative management requires the producer to carry out continuous scientific research, to increase the flexibility of production, to effectively target innovation. Harmonizing the interaction of these elements can significantly reduce the economic risk area associated with the introduction of a new product on the market. It is pointed out that in the current conditions it is of great importance to make the right choice of priority areas for the development of the industry, which should take into account the needs of consumers, improving the range and increasing the volume of products and environmental issues of the environment. The directions of acceleration a scientific and technological progress in agriculture are considered, which confirm the necessity of using innovative approaches as a whole, and in solving certain strategic issues. The measures on development of priority scientific and technical directions in agrarian sphere are offered. It is stated that improvement of innovative activity in the agricultural sector can be achieved by restructuring the system of organization a scientific researches in accordance with the requirements an market relations and needs in agricultural products, creating a system of information support for innovative activity in agriculture using modern means of informatics, forming a system for monitoring innovations in agricultural enterprises, forecasting of innovative development, implementation a principles at innovation management, which will help increase the productivity of the producer, increase output and gain additional profit.


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How to Cite
Bolila, S., Kyrychenko, N., & Osadchuk, I. (2020). INNOVATIVE COMPONENT OF AGRICULTURAL FORMATION MANAGEMENT IN GLOBALIZATION CONDITIONS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 96-103. Retrieved from