• Sergei Adonin Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
  • Yulia Kalashnikova Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
Keywords: financial stability, assessment, financial condition, solvency, indicators of financial stability, financial equilibrium


The article considers the essence, types and problems of financial stability of the enterprise, the results of the assessment of financial stability on the example of Public Company “Dniprogaz” are presented and ways to increase the financial stability of the enterprise are suggested. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the financial stability of the enterprise, to assess the state of financial stability of the enterprise on the example of Public Company “Dniprogaz” and to identify ways to increase it. The relevance and importance of research on the system of ensuring and assessing the financial stability of the enterprise is due to the fact that in modern conditions the enterprise is affected by many different factors that threaten the stability of operation and competitiveness. The objectivity of the assessment depends on the conditions of activity, the methods of its provision and assessment methods. This assessment enables the company to operate and develop in a changing environment and respond accordingly to its changes. The financial condition of the enterprise is influenced by a number of factors, such as instability of tax and regulatory legislation, inflationary processes, increased competition, insufficient level of innovation activity and others. Overcoming these negative factors is the basis of enterprise development strategy. The assessment was conducted on the basis of absolute and relative indicators of financial stability, because it is through these indicators it is possible to conclude about the management of financial stability of the enterprise as a whole. During the analysis of financial stability of Public Company “Dniprogaz” the data of financial statements for 2017–2019 were used. The results were obtained using methods of analysis, synthesis and comparison. Based on the results of the assessment, the financial debilitating of the enterprise was observed, the fact that Public Company “Dniprogaz” is financially unstable, dependent on borrowed funds and has a high level of financial risks was found out. Types, the main problems of financial stability were identified and improvements were proposed.


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How to Cite
Adonin, S., & Kalashnikova, Y. (2020). ASSESSMENT OF FINANCIAL STABILITY OF THE ENTERPRISE AND WAYS OF ITS IMPROVEMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (4), 155-160.