Keywords: wills, nature reserve fund, perspective plan, regional development, development of territories


The territory of Kherson region is located in favorable natural and geographical conditions, has a strong natural resource potential and a rich nature reserve fund, which is an important basis of life and needs to expand. Preservation of wildlife is a priority for human development, because our own existence depends on maintaining life on Earth. This is extremely relevant for regions that have been greatly altered by human activities. If you look at the map of anthropogenic transformation in the Ecological Atlas of Ukraine, it is noticeable that Kherson region is the most synanthropized among all regions in our country. Steppe landscapes were particularly affected, mainly due to plowing. That is why in conditions of very strong anthropogenic pressure the importance of nature reserves increases. The formation of a network of nature reserves is an important measure of strategic planning for the development of the country and should be The territory of Kherson region is located in favorable natural and geographical conditions, has a strong natural resource potential and a rich nature reserve fund, which is an important basis of life and needs to expand. Preservation of wildlife is a priority for human development, because our own existence depends on maintaining life on Earth. This is extremely relevant for regions that have been greatly altered by human activities. If you look at the map of anthropogenic transformation in the Ecological Atlas of Ukraine, it is noticeable that Kherson region is the most synanthropized among all regions in our country. Steppe landscapes were particularly affected, mainly due to plowing. That is why in conditions of very strong anthropogenic pressure the importance of nature reserves increases. The formation of a network of nature reserves is an important measure of strategic planning for the development of the country and should be


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How to Cite
Prisyajnyuk, P. (2020). EXPANSION OF KERSON REGION NATURE RESERVE FUND: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (4), 148-154. https://doi.org/10.32851/2708-0366/2020.4.18