Keywords: disturbed lands, land revegetation, land rehabilitation, classification of disturbed lands


Intensive mining has led to significant depletion of natural resources; in particular, manmade environmental problems have become widespread in mining regions over the past decades, including high levels of man-made loads and environmental pollution, intensification and development of hazardous geological processes, failure of hydrogeological conditions. In Ukraine, there is a need to address a number of issues regarding the formation and efficient use of land resources in the context of intensive mining at both the national and regional levels. The situation in the mining industry is complex and requires a comprehensive approach to ensure a high level of economic security and balanced development of the country. The situation in the mining industry is complex and requires a comprehensive approach. One of the main ways out of the crisis is to increase the investment attractiveness of mining companies. In the future, it is necessary to increase interest in the investment process of enterprises among national and foreign investors. However, it is impossible to be limited only to purely economic motivations, ignoring the environmental aspect, because environmental problems are not limited to low safety, but are also related to outdated equipment, use of environmentally hazardous technologies, noncompliance with technological requirements and standards, accumulation of industrial waste, non-revegetation of land, ignoring the requirements for the need to restore the disturbed lands. The article considers the issues of disturbed lands classification and revegetation features as the main measure of landscape restoration. The quantitative characteristics of mining accounting objects are being analyzed. The problem of land revegetation has also been addressed, which is insufficiently regulated by current legislation. The urgency of mining with the use of environmentally friendly technologies in order to minimize the use of land resources and preserve their natural functions has been emphasized. The main possible results of disturbed lands revegetation for the national economy have been described.


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How to Cite
Kachanovskyi, O. (2020). THEORETICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF DISTURBED LANDS REVEGETATION. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (4), 140-147.