• Natalya Struchok Lviv Institute of Economy and Tourism
  • Oksana Zamrii Lviv Institute of Economy and Tourism
Keywords: trade, networks, trade enterprise, strategic management, merchandising, components of marketing complex, innovative technologies


The article presents an analysis of the current state of the retail market in Ukraine. The main purpose of the article is to determine the main components in the strategic management of sales of goods, services and customer service of modern commercial enterprises. A review of the most common retail chains in Ukraine, identified the TOP-5 national food retailers by total number of outlets. Strategic approaches in the process of sales management of goods, services and customer service are outlined. Trends in the development of food retailers in the context of the regions of Ukraine are identified. The role of marketing components, principles of merchandising and innovative technologies as the main tools in management of process of sale of the goods, services to consumers by the modern trading enterprise is allocated. Argumentative innovative service technologies allow commercial enterprises not only to occupy leading positions in their market segments, but also to meet global approaches in the organization and conduct of trade. The article presents an analysis of the current state of the retail market in Ukraine. The main purpose of the article is to determine the main components in the strategic management of sales of goods, services and customer service of modern commercial enterprises. A review of the most common retail chains in Ukraine, identified the TOP-5 national food retailers by total number of outlets. Strategic approaches in the process of sales management of goods, services and customer service are outlined. Trends in the development of food retailers in the context of the regions of Ukraine are identified. The role of marketing components, principles of merchandising and innovative technologies as the main tools in management of process of sale of the goods, services to consumers by the modern trading enterprise is allocated. Argumentative innovative service technologies allow commercial enterprises not only to occupy leading positions in their market segments, but also to meet global approaches in the organization and conduct of trade.


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How to Cite
Struchok, N., & Zamrii, O. (2020). STRATEGIC APPROACHES IN SALES MANAGEMENT OF GOODS AND SERVICES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (4), 116-124.