Keywords: logistics, logistics innovations, barriers to innovation, business models, barriers to innovative solutions


The article presents an analysis of the relationships that exist between different barriers and drivers in all three dimensions: business models; logistics practices; technology. A mechanism has been proposed to support the implementation of innovations in transport logistics, using a holistic approach that takes into account several complementary aspects of innovation. It has been proven that innovation is a key factor in the competitiveness of European industry and has historically played a vital role in improving efficiency. It is recommended to set goals, clear forms that are easy to use by stakeholders, secure storage and confidentiality registers, and clear ways to distribute information across the project hierarchy to address potential reliability issues. The study shows that the implementation of logistics innovations is possible and real by identifying the links between existing barriers and drivers that can help overcome them. Information can be the key to innovation in logistics flows and should be given due consideration. There are certain barriers that are met for almost all innovative technologies, such as lack of standardization, security issues, associated costs and compensation for implementation. Bringing logistics innovation experts together in the community is one of the key prerequisites for building an environment conducive to innovation. Contact details and experiences of community members will be available to potential innovators, ensuring awareness of the availability of innovative services. It is revealed how the tools support, guide and promote innovation, allowing overcoming existing barriers. The key to long-term logistics innovations is research and organization of future research areas. It will be critical for the logistics industry to fully accompany its future research directions with clear objectives, ensuring that the research results are actually taken into account and fully utilized. The introduction of logistics innovations prevents or limits the lack of research or proper management. After all, finance plays a key role in logistics.


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How to Cite
Kalaman, O. (2020). DIRECTIONS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF INNOVATIONS IN LOGISTICS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (4), 72-79.