• Igor Zvarych Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Olena Zvarych Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Keywords: investments, innovations, state regional investment policy and investment strategy, investment management in the region


One of the most characteristic features of the current stage of Ukraine’s economy is a qualitatively new role of the regions, which is based on the redistribution of important powers, especially in the field of rights and competence in addressing their socio-economic and cultural development. Therefore, the key task of regional investment policy is to ensure the comprehensive nature of this process. And the initial directions of its development in domestic regions are the formation of its criterion basis, determination of the target orientation, the mechanism and structure of investment sphere management, strengthening the economic base of the construction complex, the formation and development of the regulatory-legal support of the investment activities. The rationale of the regional investment policy is based on determining its economic essence, structure and forms of its implementation and forecasting opportunities for effective investments in accordance with the objectives therefore the investment potential of the region is determined by the sum of objective prerequisites for investment, which depend on the availability and diver-situ of areas and objects of investment, their main economic characteristics. Quantitatively, it consists of macro-economic indicators that the territory with the following factors of production: natural and labour resources, fixed assets and facilities, social, engineering and other infrastructures, etc. The second component – invest-mention risk is by the probability of investment loss and income from them. But the main value of this index – the decision to invest in the project, sector, region or country. And one of the most important components of investment risk is the legal conditions of investment. In addition, the specifics of Ukraine are determined primarily by the national legislative background, which changes slightly under the influence of regional regulations governing investmention and innovation activities in the region. At the same time, the defining task of regional investment policy is to ensure integrated socio-economic and cultural development of the territory, and the initial directions of investment policy development are the formation of its criterion basis and the establishment of target orientation, determination of the mechanism and structure of investment sphere management, strengthening of the economic base of the construction complex, formation and development of normative-legal provisіon investment activity. Further-more, Ukraine legislation generally defines favourable opportunities for investmention in areas and the procedure for using various factors of production – components of the achieved investment and innovation potential within a certain administration territory. The main investors who invest their own, external funds in various regional and local programs to ensure integrated socio-economic and cultural development of the region may be bodies authorized by the government to manage state and municipal property or dispose of relevant property rights; organizations, enterprises, business associations and public organizations and other legal entities of all forms of owner-ship; international, foreign legal entities; individuals – citizens of Ukraine and various foreign states. Simultaneously, regional and local authorities and administration have the opportunity to exercise various forms of direct and indirect influence on the current state of the domestic market of investment resources, which is especially important in the current conditions of European integration aspirations of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Zvarych, I., & Zvarych, O. (2020). MECHANISM OF INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT OF THE REGION. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (4), 37-50.