The article examines the reformation process through the prism of local government finance in Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to explore the directions of improving the financial decentralization of local self-government in modern conditions. A special place in these processes is given to the financial system of the country, where the financial resources of the country are formed, distributed and used. The financial system develops according to its rules developed over millennia, and its functioning is regulated by laws and various regulations. The main priorities of the financial system of Ukraine on socio-economic processes in society are to provide all subjects of financial relations with sufficient financial resources they need to fully perform their functions and tasks, ensure economic power, overcome poverty, improve welfare, and reduce unemployment. Economics considers the financial mechanism as a means of implementing the principles of financial policy of the state in all parts of the financial system through specific forms, methods, levers and tools. Features of the functioning of these components of the financial mechanism depend on the organization of financial relations in each link of the financial system. Approaches to the essence and features of the functioning of the financial system are disclosed. The need for decentralization, in particular financial, is not in doubt, since only citizens can effectively manage public resources. The main advantage of decentralization is the participation of citizens in solving local problems by creating united territorial communities, starting with the formation of local government, empowering it, adopting a plan for the strategic development of society and exercising control over the actions of the government, in accordance with the strategic plan. Financial decentralization and self-sufficiency of the budgets of territorial communities is a defining prerequisite for the dynamic development of the national economy. Therefore, financial decentralization in Ukraine should be aimed at replenishing local budgets, the costs of which should be aimed at solving local problems.
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