Keywords: special economic zones, investment attractiveness, competitiveness, innovation and investment activity, new forms of business organization


The experience of functioning of special economic zones in different countries is considered. The experience of using special economic zones in Poland, where 14 special economic zones are currently functioning, about 100 billion zlotys of foreign investments, and several hundred thousand new jobs has been studied. The use of special economic zones in Ukraine and their efficiency are considered. The preferences provided by governments for their effective operation are considered. Statistical data on the indicators of the dynamics of the functioning of special economic zones and investor countries are presented. Discussion questions concerning expediency and efficiency of activity of special economic zones are outlined. World experience shows that special economic zones are one of the main organizational and economic forms of attracting investment and stimulating innovative economic activity of regions, industries and the economy as a whole. The key conditions for the effectiveness of these economic tools are stimulating for their businesses a special regime of economic activity and planned and consistent policy of its application. The tangible effect in the country occurs no earlier than 10–15 years after the start of their application. Ukraine has followed the path of world trends and the experience of its neighboring countries, and since 1995 special economic zones have actually been operating in our country. Thus, Ukraine already has about 20 years of experience in their operation. Estimates of the effectiveness of the application of these economic tools in the scientific literature, periodicals and government documents and/or accompanying documents to them are ambiguous from negative to positive. The main problems that prevented the special economic zones from achieving the planned results were identified and their causes were revealed. Prospects for further application of special economic zones are also outlined and proposals are made to improve the regulatory framework for their use to ensure their use to stimulate economic activity in the regions of Ukraine. Recommendations for improving the legal support for the functioning of special economic zones in Ukraine have been developed.


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How to Cite
Advokatova, N., & Povod, T. (2020). EXPERIENCE OF USING SPECIAL MODES ECONOMIC ZONES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (4), 23-30. https://doi.org/10.32851/2708-0366/2020.4.3